9 research outputs found


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    Los sistemas de producción orgánicos se basan en procesos naturales, aprovechamiento de recursos locales y disminución en la degradación del suelo. La efectividad de la producción de leche de los sistemas orgánicos vs los sistemas de producción convenciona les es un tema abierto a debate. Son diversos los estudios en los cuales se observa un efecto positivo de los sistemas orgánicos de producción de leche de oveja en relación al bienestar y salud animal, calidad de los productos e impacto ambiental. No obsta nte, algunos autores citan rendimientos lácteos inferiores, así como mayor susceptibilidad a condiciones medioambientales comparados con los obtenidos en sistemas convencionales. Los menores rendimientos en los sistemas orgánicos de producción de leche de oveja, están relacionados con el limitado aporte nutricional, el bajo potencial genético, así como las cambiantes condiciones medioambientales. Estos sistemas ovinos son principalmente un método de producción para un mercado específico que ofrece productos con calidad Premium y elevados estándares de calidad en sus procesos de producción. Por lo que una empresa ovina orgánica de producción de leche debe ser considerada viable en la medida que presente un balance positivo a nivel de sostenibilidad global, es decir, que sea socialmente benéfica , económicamente viable y medioambientalmente responsable


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    Los sistemas de producción orgánicos se basan en procesos naturales, aprovechamiento de recursos locales y disminución en la degradación del suelo. La efectividad de la producción de leche de los sistemas orgánicos vs los sistemas de producción convenciona les es un tema abierto a debate. Son diversos los estudios en los cuales se observa un efecto positivo de los sistemas orgánicos de producción de leche de oveja en relación al bienestar y salud animal, calidad de los productos e impacto ambiental. No obsta nte, algunos autores citan rendimientos lácteos inferiores, así como mayor susceptibilidad a condiciones medioambientales comparados con los obtenidos en sistemas convencionales. Los menores rendimientos en los sistemas orgánicos de producción de leche de oveja, están relacionados con el limitado aporte nutricional, el bajo potencial genético, así como las cambiantes condiciones medioambientales. Estos sistemas ovinos son principalmente un método de producción para un mercado específico que ofrece productos con calidad Premium y elevados estándares de calidad en sus procesos de producción. Por lo que una empresa ovina orgánica de producción de leche debe ser considerada viable en la medida que presente un balance positivo a nivel de sostenibilidad global, es decir, que sea socialmente benéfica , económicamente viable y medioambientalmente responsable

    Desensitization to darunavir in a pediatric patient

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    Treatment of HIV infection requires the combination of multiple antiretroviral drugs, known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART); however, up to 84% of patients experience adverse drug effects that lead to discontinuation within first months of treatment. Skin manifestations are reported to 22% of patients. The severity of these is variable, such as erythema multiforme, rash, hives and severe skin reactions at less than 2%. Mild rashes, usually transient and self-limiting, while severe reactions require immediately remove the drug involved to prevent progression of the reaction. Only in those cases where the offending drug does not have another alternative and documented the reaction is mediated type I hypersensitivity mechanisms, can be performed desensitization protocol

    Efecto del grupo genético sobre características de la curva de lactación ovina

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    "El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la producción de leche y las características de la curva de lactación de grupos genéticos ovinos. Se analizaron 863 registros semanales de producción de 70 lactaciones de seis grupos genéticos: East Friesian (EF), Cr

    Efecto del genotipo sobre características de la curva de lactación de ovinos en una unidad de producción en el altiplano

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the milk production and characteristics of the lactation curve of six sheep genetic groups. Were analyzed 863 weekly milk production records of 70 lactations of six genetic groups: East Friesian (EF), Criollo (Cr), EF ½ Cr ½ (EF50Cr50), EF ¾ Cr ¼ (EF75Cr25), Suffolk ½ Cr ½ (Suffolk50Cr50), and Corriedale (C). The function of Wood (WD) was used to estimate the actual total milk yield (PLTobs) and estimated total milk yield at day 180 (PLT180), peak lactation (PL), time at peak lactation (tPL) and persistence (Per). The genetic group influenced significantly (P < 0.05) on PLTobs, PLT180, PL and parameter b of WD model, with highest values of EF50Cr50 sheep. The observed differences in productive performance in relation with the genetic group could be associated with deficiencies in the adaptability of EF sheep to local agro-climatic conditions.Al proyecto PAPIME 204411, Asuntos de Personal Académico General de la UNAM. Al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) por las becas otorgadas a Diana Arely Solís, Juan Carlos Ángeles y Araceli Guerrero. A Arturo Arellano su apoyo y a la Srta. Liz Hopper, de la Universidad del Norte de Texas por la revisión crítica del presente manuscrito

    Efecto del grupo genético sobre características de la curva de lactación ovina

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the milk production and characteristics of the lactation curve of ovine genetic groups. We analyzed 863 weekly production records of 70 lactations of six genetic groups: East Friesian (EF), Criollo (Cr), EF ½ Cr ½ (EF50Cr50), EF 3/4 Cr ¼ (EF75Cr25), Suffolk ½ Cr ½ (Suffolk50Cr50), and Corriedale (C). Wood's function (WD) was used to estimate the total observed milk production (TMP obs ) and estimated at 180 d (TMP180), lactation peak (LP), time to lactation peak (tLP) and persistence (Per). The genetic group had a significant influence (p < 0.05) on tTMP obs , TMP180, LP and parameter b of the WD model, with higher values in the EF50Cr50 sheep. The differences in productive performance with the genetic group may be associated with the adaptability of EF sheep to local climatic conditions.El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la producción de leche y las características de la curva de lactación de grupos genéticos ovinos. Se analizaron 863 registros semanales de producción de 70 lactaciones de seis grupos genéticos: East Friesian (EF), Criollo (Cr), EF ½ Cr ½ (EF50Cr50), EF 3/4 Cr ¼ (EF75Cr25), Suffolk ½ Cr ½ (Suffolk50Cr50), y Corriedale (C). Se utilizó la función de Wood (WD) para estimar la producción láctea total observada (PLT obs ) y estimada a los 180 d (PLT180), pico de lactación (PL), tiempo al pico de lactación (tPL) y persistencia (Per). El grupo genético influyó de forma significativa (p < 0.05) sobre la PLT obs , PLT180, PL y parámetro b del modelo de WD, con valores superiores en las ovejas EF50Cr50. Las diferencias en el desempeño productivo con el grupo genético pueden estar asociadas con la capacidad de adaptación de las ovejas EF a las condiciones climáticas locales

    Study of Quality of Life in Adults with Common Variable Immunodeficiency by Using the Questionnaire SF-36

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    Background: Quality of life is a multidimensional concept that includes physical, emotional and social components associated with the disease. The use of tools to assess the Quality of Life Health Related (HRQOL) has increased in recent decades. Common variable immunode ciency (CVID) is the most commonly diagnosed primary immunode ciency. Objective: To evaluate the quality of life in patients with CVID using the questionnaire SF -36. Patients and method: A descriptive cross-sectional survey included 23 patients diagnosed with CVID, belonging to the Immunode ciency Clinic Service of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in CMN Siglo XXI, IMSS. The questionnaire SF- 36 validated in Spanish was applied. Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics with simple frequencies and percentages, inferential statistics: Fisher exact test and ANOVA to compare means. Results: The study involved 23 patients, 14 women (60%) and 9 men (40%), mean age 38.6 ± 14.7 years. The highest score was obtained in 83% emotional role. Dimensions with further deterioration in both gen- ders were: 54% general health, vitality 59% and physical performance 72%. No differences were found regarding gender. The only issue in which statistically signi cant differences were found in patients with more than 3 comorbidities was change in health status in the past year (p=0.007). Patients with severe comorbidities, such as haematological-oncological (leukemias, lymphomas, neoplasms), and pulmonary (severe bronchiectasis) showed further deterioration in the aspects of physical performance 73% and 64% emotional role. 65% of patients reported an improvement in health status in 74% in the last year. Conclusions: Adult patients with CVID show deterioration in different dimensions, particularly in the areas of general health, vitality and physi- cal performance. Patients with severe comorbidities such as leukemia, lymphomas, malignancies and severe bronchiectasis show further deterioration in some aspects of quality of life, especially in physical performance and emotional role. A higher number of comorbidities was signi cantly associated with a lower score in changing health. The questionnaire SF-36 is useful for evaluating the quality of life of our patients with CVID

    Structural and functional heart diseases in adult patients with common variable immunodeficiency

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    Background: Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the primary immunodeficiency with the largest number of comorbidities in adulthood. It has been associated with bronchiectasis between 17%-76%, and these with the presence of cardiovascular complications such as pulmonary hypertension and heart failure. The new image methods of diagnosis, to assess the cardiovascular structural and functional conformation of adult patients with bronchiectasis, help to establish more efficient and timely diagnoses. Objective: To define the presence of structural and functional heart disease in CVID patients by transthoracic echocardiography. Material and method: A cross-sectional study was done in a cohort of 26 adult patients diagnosed with CVID and replacement therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), belonging to the Immunodeficiency Clinic. All patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography and tissue ECO doopler; the results were evaluated by a echocardiographer physician. Results: We evaluated 26 patients, of whom 10 patients were male, with a mean age of 35.7 ± 13.7 years. The results of thoracic echocardiography of the left cardiac cavities found the following functional changes: 17 patients presented with mitral insufficiency and only 2 had aortic insufficiency, none symptoms. Regarding the structural alterations of the right cavities: 8 adults with CVID had right cavities growth and 5 of them, hypermobile atrial septum was reported; respect to functional alterations, 24 patients had tricuspid insufficiency; in 20 it was mild and only in 3 is was moderate. Up to 12 had pulmonary valve insufficiency, and 8 had pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); of which, in 2 it was mild and in one it was moderate; and 4 patients had PSAP in high limit values. Conclusions: Patients with CVID, despite having a high incidence of bronchiectasis, had low incidence of PAH, but a significant number of patients had PSAP in high cutoff level, so, these patients should be monitored annually, because probably they will evolve to PAH in the future. Also, they have a high incidence of mild valvular regurgitation due to mild degenerative changes with valvular sclerosis, therefore, they also require regular monitoring

    Orofacial clinical manifestations in adult patients with variable common immunodeficiency

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    Background: Common variable immunodeficiency is the primary immunodeficiency (CVID) frequently found in adults. Its prevalence is estimated from 1:25,000 to 75,000 alive newborns; there are variations by ethnic groups, it is estimated about 50-70% in Caucasian patients. Oral cavity lesions are rarely found in adult patients with CVID, there are reports about lesions on pediatric patients mostly caused by infections.  Objective: To describe the orofacial lesions (oral, maxillofacial and neck area) affecting adults with CVID.  Material and method: A transversal, prospective study was done in patients with CVID attended at Specialties Hospital, CMN SXXI, Mexico City. Patients where examined by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon and clinical findings were reported, then the descriptive analysis of the lesions was done.  Results: We evaluated 26 patients, 16 female and 10 males, average age of 38.6 years. In 18/26 patients we found oral lesions on 7 different types. The most frequent was minor salivary glands hiperplasia (19/26), petechiae (12/26) and herpetic ulcers (7/26). In head and neck, we found 4 different lesions, the most common was lymphadenopathy <2cm (4/26).  Conclusions: The immunologic alterations associated to CVID favors the development of lesions mainly of infectious and probably autoinmune origin that affects the oral cavity and head and neck area